The Production Ecology Project Section provides study of production ability of main filed crops from point of view of limiting effect of agro-ecological conditions of the East-Slovakian Lowland. Research program of project section is oriented on main activities as follows: provision of stable reproduction of production and ecological functions of soil in agricultural production and landscape, rational husbandry with water sources, mainly with water in zone of aeration, from point of view of optimalization of using of built up hydro-melioration devices at the East-Slovakian Lowland, research and application of new productive technologies for effective utilization of concrete soil-ecological conditions of the East-Slovakian Lowland and study of economically efficiency production of special and medicinal plants in relation to retention of biological, agricultural and living environment.
Project section provide founding of field treatments on Experimental station at Milhostov by methodic aims of partial research studies and research stages. In agricultural practice realization of results of research solution is provided by elaboration of conceptions and prognoses.