Since 1 January 2014 is RIPP a part of NAFC

Based on the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic No. 4818/2013-250 of 26 November 2013 the Research Institute of Plant Production (hereinafter RIPP) Piešťany since 1 January 2014 has been a part of (without legal identity) a state contributory organization National Agricultural and Food Centre with the headquarters in Lužianky (hereinafter NAFC), managed directly by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of SR. A part of RIPP are Research Station in Borovce and Research and Breeding Stations (hereinafter RBSs) at Malý Šariš and at Vígľaš - Pstruša.

Research activity of RIPP in the field of technological research is at present prioritly aimed on research of factors conditioning and influencing the quantity and the quality of yield at main field crops and on sustainable improvement and optimisation of growing systems and technologies in plant production, including the alternative and ecological forms. Stand condition of field crops monitoring and yield prognosis connected with recommendations for practice are a part of activity of the institute too.

In the field of genetically-breeding research is research of RIPP oriented on analyses of plant genotypes and phenotypes and their pathogenes, relationships between them and creation of new biological materials with improved properties using the progressive methods, biotechnologies and breeding. Studies interactions in the system soil - microorganisms - plant by means of modern molecular methods. RIPP insures and in conditions of Slovak Republic co-ordinates collecting, studying, conservation and utilisation of plant gene pool for agriculture and nutrition within the framework relevant National programme and insures function of Gene Bank of Slovak Republic which is located at the Institute in Piešťany.

The activities of RIPP respond to interests and requirements of the society, the agriculture, the rural areas and the environment as well as to the changing inner and outer conditions that are concerning the plant and plant-related production and the agriculture. The Research Institute of Plant Production participates in the national as well as international - European and global - research programmes and projects. An important part of RIPP activities includes knowledge transfer from the research and development to the practical users, specialised advisory service, making outlooks, concepts, expertise, standards, legislation and projects. A notable mission of RIPP is the scientific and specialised professional education, teaching activities and publishing the scientific and professionally specialised literature.

The Research Institute of Plant Production has its seat in Piešťany town, situated 90 km north - east of the capital Bratislava and its research activities carries out at its seat in Piešťany (western Slovakia), as well as at the Research Station of RIPP in Borovce (western Slovakia, 8 km from Piešťany - an experimental base of the departments situated in Piešťany, main part of their experiments is located there). Plant breeding (and research too) is provided by Research and Breeding Stations at Malý Šariš (eastern Slovakia) and at Vígľaš-Pstruša (central Slovakia), situated in the regions of Slovakia with different agroecological conditions (RBSs are a part of RIPP). The RIPP carries out its research activities, if necessary, also at other sites on the basis of cooperation agreements.

Ing. Pavol Hauptvogel, PhD. is the Director of RIPP since 1 January 2014.                   

