TASKS WITHIN THE EXPERT HELP FOR THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC - short-term topical projects and activities approved only for 2019 (January 2019 - December 2019)
1. „Monitoring of wheat qualitative parameters grown in the Slovak Republic“ - co-ordinating and research workplace: National Agricultural and Food Centre (NAFC) - Research Institute of Plant Production (RIPP) Piešťany, Department of Growing Systems (DGS); project co-ordinator: Ing. Soňa Gavurníková, PhD. (sona.gavurnikova(at)nppc.sk).
2. „Management of plant genetic resources and the operation of the Gene Bank of the Slovak Republic“ - co-ordinating and research workplace: NAFC - RIPP Piešťany, Gene Bank of the Slovak Republic (GB SR), Department of Applied Biology and Genetics (DABG) and Research and Breeding Stations (RBS) of RIPP at Vígľaš - Pstruša and Malý Šariš are also participating in the project; project co-ordinator: Ing. Martin Gálik, PhD. (martin.galik(at)nppc.sk).
3. „Possibilities of oil-seed rape protection by available plant protection preparations“ - co-ordinating and research workplace: NAFC - RIPP Piešťany, DGS; project co-ordinator: RNDr. Ľubica Malovcová (lubica.malovcova(at)nppc.sk).
4. „Preservation of cultural heritage of original cultivated plants and biodiversity of the Slovak Republic“ - co-ordinating and research workplace: NAFC - RIPP Piešťany (GB SR, DABG, DGS and RBS of RIPP at Vígľaš - Pstruša and Malý Šariš are also participating in the project; project co-ordinator: Ing. René Hauptvogel, PhD. (rene.hauptvogel(at)nppc.sk).
5. „Drought tolerance research of selected crop species for sustainability and adaptation to climate change“ - co-ordinating and research workplace: NAFC - RIPP Piešťany (GB SR, DABG, DGS); project co-ordinator: Ing. Pavol Hauptvogel, PhD. (pavol.hauptvogel(at)nppc.sk).