Research and Breeding Station at Vígľaš-Pstruša

The Research and Breeding Station (RBS) at Vígľaš - Pstruša (Detva district) was established in 1941. Main activity of this RBS is new breeding of winter and spring wheat, winter and spring, common and naked oat and triticale and maintenance breeding of wheat, oat, red clover and bird´s-foot trefoil. Another task of the Station is solution of research tasks and to provide field experiments for research tasks according to researchers’ requirements. At the same time the station also realises preliminary tests of new perspective biological material bred in Slovak republic and abroad, tests genetically modified plants and realises various company tests of pesticides. RBS has certificate „Good Experimental Practice (GEP)“ for testing of plant protection preparations (fungicides) and growth regulators. At the Station a long-term stationary nutrition field experiment is run established in 1957. In 2013 RBS obtained „Minister of education, science, research and sport of the Slovak republic award“ in the category „Scientific and technical team of the year“.

          In the course of its existence, the following varieties were bred at this Station and released: winter wheat Vígľašská (1949), Vanda (2001), Pavlína (2005), Veldava (2005), Viglanka (2010), PS - Pintta (2011), Zaira (2012), PS Sunanka (2013), PS Elinor (2014), PS Karkulka (2014), PS Puqa (2015), PS Jeldka (2015), PS Amilka (2016), PS Endka (2016), PS Agneska (2017) and PS Kvalitas (2017), spring wheat Slovenka (2016), Viera (2016), Voskovka (2016), Zelenka (2016) and PS Perlička (2017), crossbreed Triticum aestivum x Triticum spelta Lubica (2014), common spring oat Zvolen (1997), Vendelin (2007), Valentin (2008), Prokop (2011), Viliam (2011), Václav (2013), Vojtech (2013), Vít (2015), Hucul (2017) and Norik (2017), common winter oat PS Pankrác (2015), naked oat Detvan (2002), Tatran (2010), Hronec (2012), Važec (2013), Dunajec (2015) and Inovec (2017), winter rye Vígľašská (1949), winter triticale Pletomax (2008), Pingpong (2010) and PS Tecko (2012), red clover varieties Vígľašská (1950), Viglana (1992), Poľana (1996), Podjavorina 2007) and Slatina (2007), white clovers Slovenská (1949) and Vígľašská (1950), bird´s-foot trefoil Vígľašský (1950) and Polom (1991) and spring vetch Vígľašská hnedá (1958).

Soil and climatic conditions at the Station: Soil type - podzolic brown soil; mean annual temperature 8.0 oC; mean annual precipitation 666 mm; elevation 375 m; potato growing region.
